I've enjoyed reading my sister's family blog so much it inspired me to try to get our family organized. Natalie was kind enough to be the "blog tech" and get us started. I'm the mom of this Christensen clan. I have been married to Neil for thirty-two years! I have two sons, Ryan 26, Tyson 22, and a daughter, Natalie 17, soon to be 18. I also have a wonderful daughter-in-law Ashley, and three EXTREMELY cute grandkids, Benjamin, Aisha, and Keeley. I love to read and to travel. Any place in Europe is my favorite destination--with Italy and England/Scotland my most favorite. I have taught English for nearly 29 years--mainly at Skyline--some for ISU and Ricks College. I especially like British literature.
Here are just a few pictures of my beautiful family.
Very adorable pictures. I just find the blogging keeps you as close as next door. I think it is wonderful technology.