Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gone for a Long Time

I have not blogged for a long time. I am hoping to post several blogs that will catch this up.
I'll start with the summer of 2009. We camped quite a bit at Island Park, mom lived with us and recuperated from two foot surgeries, I learned how to be an online instructor. I'm attaching some pictures from the summer of 2009, including some of mom's beautiful yard and the boots that prevented her from working in it.


  1. I don't get over to visit Grandma very often but I'm sure going to miss her while she's in Arizona! But it was good to see Sandy while she was up here. So how is the new school year going for you? A SMALL part of me misses teaching this year. I think I really am going to teach once my kids are in school. Although it was hard at times, I still miss all those crazy teenagers! Hope you're doing well.

  2. Those boots were made for walkin.....enjoyed the photos.

  3. Hi Lindsey, I have really nice kids this year. I've just had some vision problems that has made teaching a challenge--working on getting those fixed. I'm glad you're thinking of returning to teaching when your kids are older--the world needs good math teachers and yes! ironically I think I'll miss the crazy teenagers when I decide to retire!! I'm working on teaching another "teacher class" this summer for ISU--I'll keep you posted if it gets approved...It's driven me crazy with teaching all day also, but you might want to consider teaching one on-line math class--you can teach from home in pajamas!

  4. Sandy, Those boots were made for....being pushed in a wheelchair!
