Sunday, November 8, 2009

Keeley's One Year Birthday Party November 3rd

I am finally up to November--yeah! Keeley turned a year old on the third. She was not sure what the celebration was about, but she knew she was the star!
She is a sweet, beautiful little girl who loves to "dance" to music.


  1. Wow. I love the cakes Ashley makes! She is really talented. Keeley is so adorable!

  2. She is talented! For my kids' birthdays, I always felt lucky to bake a cake in a pan and frost it. When Ashley and Ryan first met he told her he had pan-cakes for birthdays (i.e. cakes baked in a 9 by 12 pan.) She thought he had pancakes (the kind with syrup) for his birthday! Pretty funny--especially now my grandkids want pancakes every time they come over=a fun tradition.
