This was a busy weekend. Saturday Neil and I worked on the yard in the morning. I weeded my big flower bed. I want to plant flowers, but in Idaho planting flowers in May is dangerous--it could be a blizzard tomorrow!! I watched my grandchildren for a couple of hours while Ryan and Ashley went to their last exercise class. Then I came home and worked on the dress you see in the picture. I spent two hours ironing/steaming it. It was quite the project. Natalie looked beautiful. I laughed because when she picked out the dress she said she wanted a "Cindrella dress" for Commencement. When I was ironing the dress, I noticed the tag said it was made by Cinderella Dress Company!! Also, Neil and I watched the Darlington Nascar Sprint Cup Race Saturday night. One of the drivers I'm cheering on this year--Mark Martin #5--won. Way cool!!! I bought his shirt at Vegas this year. We were both 50 then (I"m now 51!), and he came out of semi-retirement at the invitation of Rick Hendrick. I think it is neat for people who have been around for five decades to pursue dreams. Neil was way romantic for Mother's Day--roses, chocolate, a love maze, card, and letter. He gets five stars. My kids gave me cards that were sweet. I had my mom over for dinner and got her a neat card and this big green snail with a flower for her rock garden. She saw the round green object and said at first she thought I was giving her an army helmet for protection because she is always hitting her head--pretty funny! My little grandkids gave me a bright yellow flower and a card with cute coloring. Ryan fixed some of his good smoked pork roast, which is delicious--all in all a very happy day. I taught RS today. There was really a nice spirit there. The last two days the weather was perfect--warm and no Idaho wind; baby ducks and goslings are out by the river following their moms--way cute!!!
Glad you had a very nice weekend.