This is a picture of Benjamin and Aisha playing on the dirt hill behind Papa and 'Ama's house. I try to kidnap them about every other Saturday. We have a routine sleep over (Aisha believes in sleeping as little as possible on the sleepover--Neil and I joke that she is just an "over.") In the morning we have eggs, pancakes and chocolate milk for breakfast, drive to the river walk around and feed hungry ducks and geese until noon, go to Arctic Circle eat again and play on toys, or if the weather is nice go to Tautphaus Park, eat and play on toys. The neat little rides and miniature golf are opening, so we will have to add that to our day. Then we head back home for football, dirt-playing, baby doll strollering, reading books, play-doh and Lego playing, fish-game fishing, and Horse-opoly.
Tonight I watched my grandchildren at their house. They are so cute. Aisha and I watched a Mickey video and ate the Mickey Mouse shaped cheese I brought over--healthy grandma-approved snack! We had a Mickey theme party happening with the cheese and video. Aisha liked biting off the Mickey cheese ears amd saying to the earless mouse,"I ate your ear!!"
I found out Keeley is now eating the Stage One bananas and pears to vary her formula diet. She also is trying very hard to hold her own bottle. I'm glad she still lets me hold her and give her the bottle and steal some kisses. Soon she will be Miss Independent I'm sure. Ben was playing at the neighbors, so he didn't get to beat me at the Lady Bug Game! Maybe next week.....
Such a sweet picture. Grandkids are the best!