Well the last blog was all about Keeley, so I thought this one would be about her
family and our weekend. On Saturday Ashley brought me over this wonderful family picture and some very cute pictures of my grandkids--the next best thing to grandchildren are pictures of grandchildren!!! I thought I'd briefly tell about everyone in the picture. Ryan is our oldest son. He is super smart and tall--6'3". He loves his family, reading, tv watching [a hybrid of Neil and me] and all forms of music. When he was growing up, I used to hear many drum concerts. Now the drums are at his house, and he has to just play the piano when he comes over. He works in sales--it used to be medical but is now internet services . Ashley is his beautiful wife. She is really artistic and has some of her art work up in their wonderfully decorated house. She is amazing--works full time and takes care of Ryan and three little ones. Benjamin is in kindergarten. He is also very smart. He love to play with Legos, cars, and board games. Whenever he comes over, he challenges me to some Horse-opoly and we do some serious Lego building. Aisha is two--she is gettiing very independent--likes to "do it herself." She loves anything
Elmo, Pooh bear videos, playing with a monkey play-doh set [the monkey grows play-doh hair and can make himself play-doh monkey snacks, and reading books with grandma [her favorite is
Cat in the Hat.] She has no fear and based on the movements she does with dad could be an Olympic gymnist! She absolutely loves her grandpa and has been concerned about his arm "owey" [shoulder surgery]. Keeley is just five months. We tended her again Sat. while the rest of her family and Uncle Nick and Uncle Tyson went to the Monster Truck Show at Holt Arena in Pocatello. Keeley went to dinner with us at Sizzler--which she peacefully slept through; then she played with soft toys at Wayne and Marcia's and started learning how to play Mexican Train. We watched conference this weekend, and I made coffee cakes. I had not make them in over a year. They tasted good but were not as light and fluffy as Wayne's--his are the best. Natalie's friend Stephanie had never eaten them, so we invited her over--she really liked them and is a big fan now. I told her Waynes's were twice as good---she has decided she will come to his Christmas coffee-cake brunch next year. Oh and Jeff Gordon #24 won the Sprint race in Texas today . YEAH!!!! He is Wayne's favorite driver , and we love Wayne, so we are always happy when he wins. Well the weekend is over, and we have to head back to work on Monday. I interviewed Sat. at 5:oo with three people [in a webinar format] for a part-time on-line teaching job next year. They do quite a bit of training, so I think I would learn some new interesting on-line teaching skills for concurrent college and AP classes. Also, I found out this week that I won a poetry chapbook contest, and some of my poetry will be published in a book this summer. It has been a busy, eventful week. Next Saturday David and Karen are going to be sealed in the Twin Falls Temple, which is very exciting news! Well that's the scoop on Keeley's family and the first weekend in April at the Christensen house.
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