Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Neil's Birthday/Week of June 29th

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Time with Aisha and Ben

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Week of June 15th--to Nampa and Home

This has been a busy week so far. At the beginning of the week I traveled to Nampa/NNU (the small picture is of Fairfield Inn in Nampa) for a class/conference on online learning. We received instruction from our curriculum directors and were given a demo class to practice using a software program called Blackboard. The class will continue with an eight-week online extension; this is VERY good--I feel like I know just enough to be dangerous! I played some with this program tonight--wrote my instructor bio/introduction and practiced with setting dates on units. During the conference I also took a class on using a Wimba, a virtual classroom where you can do synchronous learning without being in the same space geographically via the wonders of technology. Also, we received a nice (noise canceling) microphone to use in our "Idaho Live" classroom. I think it will be an interesting way to teach, but there is quite a bit to learn just on the logistics of the technology. I'm teaching one class this fall along with my regular Skyline job and seeing what I think. We also had a neat speaker Dr. Mark David Milliron at the conference who is "an award-winning leader, author, speaker, and consultant" on learning and technology. He was a professor at Arizona State for awhile, which I found interesting because my sister and family live in Arizona. Some of my instructors at this conference were stressing the importance of developing the habit of logging in daily and checking on students--I told them (only half-jokingly) that the Farming application on Facebook was good prep for this. Onions wilting from not being harvested would be like neglected on-line students. I think I'll write a paper with this metaphorical comparison and see if I can get it published. The opening line will be "It all started when Kristi, my niece, sent me a lonely digital cow..." :) Today I was just tired--even took a nap. Tomorrow I take mom to the foot doctor and then I think we'll head up to Island Park for awhile and relax. Lindsey should be having her little baby boy soon, which is exciting--another baby in the family!!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Weekend Cleaning
Saturday was cleaning day at the Christensen house. Neil is finishing reorganizing the garage; everything is getting a precise home. I think he needs to get his own show on HGTV and do this for people who need help organizing their garage space. He gave a pontoon boat, tile, tennis racket, skis, etc. to Ryan and Ashley. I now have a "grandchild corner" that has every age of carseat and outside toys. Inside, I vacuumed, dusted, and did laundry. I tried to make our spare room nice for when mom is staying here after foot surgery. Natalie went camping after school with some girlfriends. It has rained all evening; I hope they did not get too wet. I think they were planning on moving inside to the grandparents of one of the girls who live near Heise if it got too bad. I head to Nampa tomorrow for the start of an NNU/IDLA class on using Blackboard software to teach online--should be interesting. Aisha is doing well after surgery; I played with her, Benjamin, and Keeley briefly today while Neil and Ryan unloaded our truck.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Getting Settled at Island Park
Neil and I spent an interesting day on Wednesday getting our trailer parked. The campground where we rented the lot for the summer has these narrow, windy roads edged with trees. Our truck is a Dodge four-door long box and is about 22 feet long--our trailer is 34 feet. It was scary to try to get it backed into our lot. I drove, and Neil gave minute backing instructions and some how we managed to get it parked without taking out any trees. I love it there--so peaceful. Neil and I went for a long walk Wednesday night and met some nice people that were traveling from their Southern California home to their Montana home. They were just camping for one night. One site that we saw on our walk had firewood piled up six feet, a clotheline, a barbecue, a boat, a Post-Register box, and their name on a wooden plaque nailed to a tree. They were obviously long-termers. We went and visited our good friend Duane at his cabin at Shotgun. He has a beautiful hand-hewn log cabin that he built years ago. He fed us some of his delicious homemade chili. He had his sister Andra, her husband Stephen, and their kids Morgan, Matt, and Emily there visiting from Nevada. They had gone through Yellowstone Park that day, and Emily was excited to tell us about all the animals they had seen. I had the pool to myself today, swam laps for awhile for exercise, and then lazily backfloated. We are going to make sure Aisha comes through surgery OK and then head back up for a couple of days before I have to go to my college class at NNU next week. I also need to take mom to the foot doctor next Thursday; she is thinking of having her feet operated on and just staying with us for the summer and recuperating.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I'm heading to bed in a few minutes. I've been e-mailing, facebooking, farming, and now blogging to wind down from a busy two days teaching an ISU workshop on teaching writing. I had to organize so much information for every hour--made for two busy days. I spent the early evening reading lesson plans and creating a grade spreadsheet for ISU. Neil stained our hot tub and its stairs today; both look very nice. We took Ryan's old golf clubs and little red case over for Benjamin to have and use. Neil also gave Ryan all his skis. With two bad shoulders, back, and one knee not working, Neil is too decrepit for the slopes and hasn't skiied in five years. This week has been sooooooooo rainy; we had a huge storm this afternoon. We are heading to Island Park tomorrow but will be back Friday to be here for Aisha's surgery.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
First Weekend in June
I thought I'd log some notes on the weekend. I spent all day Friday at ISU at a required meeting for adjunct instructors with "fascinating" workshops on Moodle online learning and syllabus requirements. Happily, I did make it home from Pocatello about 6:00 before the big storm with forty-mile-an-hour winds, rain, and hail hit IF --you have to love Idaho weather. I called Lynn and wished him a happy birthday. He had gone to dinner at Texas RH with Renae, Lynn is my oldest brother. He has four children Nick, Jill. Lindsey, and Andrea. I taught all his daughters English at SHS; I did not officially teach Nick, but he came down to my room for English paper advice occasionally. Lynn and I used to play board games for hours when we were young. We built forts at Ucon and even camped out together at Beaver Creek for three days. We had some adventures there; someday I'll write an entire blog on Beaver Creek Camping and Fishing. Saturday I played with mom in the morning--went and bought some more flowers for her yard at Town and Country Gardens and then went to lunch. Later Saturday Benjamin got a one-on-one movie date with his parents for kindergarten graduation; I slipped him some cash for a treat! Neil and I watched Aisha and Keeley. Aisha had her usual fun--Pooh Bear video watching, play dough playing, teasing Papa, dragging around the alphabet centipede Papa bought her, and having Grandma read her twenty books. Keeley liked her new toy with musical sounds and songs. Eventually, it can be a walker toy for her. Aisha did some demonstrating for her, but at running speeds. Keeley fell asleep in my arms after her bottle. There is no sweeter feeling than an innocent grandbaby in your arms. I love being a grandmother; it is absolutely the world's best job!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
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